Saturday, November 1, 2008

Custom Panting

My good friends from Chicago came in town a few weeks ago and asked me to do a custom painting for them for their living room. They really liked my 'Pincher Tree' and wanted it based on it with blue and green in the background. So here's the painting I made for them :

It's done on 2 16x20" canvases. It was the first painting that I've done using two canvases though I'd been wanting to try something like this for awhile. I had tons of fun painting it and they loved it.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

New items!

Toasty Bunny is starting to fill up now. I just listed a new scarf and I have tons more to still list!

I also listed some fun colored face scrubbies. If you've never tried one before I have single ones in my shop available so you don't have to spend a lot to try them. I love my design because they are fitted to your hand so it's super easy to wash your face, some dishes, or even your car! (ok, so maybe the last option isn't the best idea Ive ever had...) Now to decide what fun colors to make these in next... any suggestions?

Giveaway running for my 'Red Hum Love' original scratchboard on Sweet Figments blog

I'm participating in a huge giveaway going on at Sweet Figments. You can enter to win this original scrachboard. The giveaway starts tomorrow so make sure you go on over to find out how to enter!

mmm. toast.

After a lot of debating I finally decided to open a second store on Etsy. Toasty Bunny is now the home to my crocheted items. It's mostly scarves and face scrubbies right now but I'm working on some crocheted make-up bags and other fun items. I'm still in the process of listing all of my items so keep checking back to see new items.

And I'm super excited about my little mascot for the shop. Tidbits and Bits has lonely bunny.

And now Toasty Bunny has toasty lonely bunny.

Isn't he just he just the toastiest little thing you've ever seen? Photoshop and I don't normally get along well so I'm super proud of getting him to look so adorable with his new scarf.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The process

I've had lots of people ask me what scratchboard is exactly and so here's a step by step explanation of how my artwork is created.

1. This is how the scratchboard looks when I receive it. It is a board that is 1/4" thick that is covered with a thin layer of white clay and then is covered with a very thin layer of black india ink.
2. Most of the time I will sketch out my design on paper, then transfer the image to the scratchboard (scratchboard is nearly impossible to sketch on directly), but with this piece I decided to just do freehand. I started with etching in the outline of the tree trunk and then added in the circles. The bunny is not quite finished, poor thing is missing his face!3. Alright, we're getting to the end of the etching process. Little bunny finally got his face added and the tree trunk is almost completely etched out. As soon as I'm done with the tree trunk it'll be time to get out the paint!4. So the piece is completely done being etched and I am almost done painting the tree. Once I am done painting the tree and it dries, it will get sealed to protect the artwork.
And voila! Finished artwork! The piece has dried, been sealed, and finally photographed to prepare it to be sold. Now we just have to wait for someone to come along and adopt this lonely little bunny...

New Designs... Finally!

I have been creating new designs for my scratchboards and the first couple have finally been listed! This one is the first in the 'lonely bunny' series, and more featuring this character are on the way.

This one is called 'love sticks' and I just love how simplistic it is and how the red heart just pops on this piece.

Let me know what you all think!